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Summary Must see - This is what we imagine the future to look like! This seemingly easy software appears to provide an algorithmic answer to all you architectural needs. And it even invites users to upload their own coding to expand the system …. Some of the bits work better, some less. Hypar is the first software that features a “text-to-building” AI … and then end of April 2024 we were permitted to test Hypar’s Space Planning Tool … all in all a bit too much to take in.
Accessibility The space planning tool is one of the best examples of new and useful functions in all of our research.
Limitations Limiting factor was and is predominantly our own comprehension of what coding can and can’t do.
Specifics No limitation with regards to German building regulations - no context is predetermined by the software.
Q&A Developer -We spoke to the Team in April 2024. They appear generally available for enquiries.
Manuals - There is a comprehensive documentation on the website (external link
Videos - There are various videos on YouTube - (external link)
Last evaluation 30 July 2024
Status one day we will have the necessary capacity to climb this mountain!
Note … the range of functions might have evolved since our review!
