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Summary Munich based consultancy that provides a browser-based presentation environment for urban planning presentations.
Accessibility Setting up a project and site requires contact to the consultant team. Once set up to set up a planning environment for your project.your concept design (or several options) are modeled and presented in the browser-based software.
Limitations When we tested the tool we were missing an upload function. Also specific tools and views are on demand only.
Specifics For projects in Germany a lot of important planning conditions are provided within the tool.
Q&A Developer - We are in regular exchange with the team. They are generally available for support and enquiries.
Manuals - Since Urbanistic acts as a consultancy there is no real need for a manual. So far questions are being addressed by the Urbanistic Team.
Videos - There are various videos on YouTube - such as (external link)
Last evaluation 28 May 2024
Status Consultancy to be used when appropriate projects emerge.
Note … the range of functions might have evolved since our review!
