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Summary Cove.tool is an automated building performance analysis software that integrates sustainability and cost optimization into the early stages of design. It primarily focuses on energy efficiency, daylighting, water use, and carbon emissions, making it an invaluable tool for architects aiming to create environmentally responsible and cost-effective buildings. It looks like it is using LEED performance characteristics for the analsysis. The software works by analyzing various design options against these parameters, providing architects and designers with actionable data to inform their decisions.
Accessibility Browser based. Very straightforward, considering the complex nature of the subject.
Limitations The system only presents the solution defined by the user. No proposals for optimizing the design are being calculated.
Specifics Code compliance not validated. Model import not specifically evaluated.
Q&A Developer - Pretty comprehensive SaaS with the usual modes of contacting the sales and support team.
Manuals - extensive knowledge base (external link)
Videos - plenty: (external link)
Last evaluation April 2024
Status So far we could not get the system to work for our projects.
Note … the range of functions might have evolved since our review!

cove.tool Initial Review
