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Summary For some reason we focus our research instinctively on tools to help with drawing, modeling and visualizing. All things we feel pretty confident doing ourselves. What we haven’t really found yet are tools that help with the zillion pages of text that our projects usually entail. Atlas.TI is the only tool we found yet, that keeps the data on your hard drive and that can help with getting a grasp of a multitude of individual files all related to one project.
Accessibility mainly a download tool - although there is also a light web version.
Limitations The AI functionality has its limitations - particularly when it comes to interpreting PDF’s
Specifics The tool is mainly based on a structured approach to labeling specific passages in your source documents. Once this is done. It becomes very easy to evaluate individual topics across several documents.
Q&A Developer - Clearly a website for researchers who spend their time going thorough complex paperwork.
Manuals - extensive (external link)
Videos - plenty (external link)
Last evaluation 10 May 2024
Status not sufficiently tested
Note … the range of functions might have evolved since our review!
