7.01 Metabuild

7.02 Madaster

7.03 PreOptima

7.04 CoveTool

7.90 archiphysik

7.05 CAALA

For proper analysis one needs to separate the different elements: Exterior Walls

For proper analysis one needs to separate the different elements: Exterior Walls

The model is then used

We must change Perspective

Chapter 7 - everything sustainability. The usual add on, after the architectural design had its go. Yes: We have generated and utilized the solar-study-heat-map graphics for decades now. But “pretending sustainability”, “simulating sustainability” and “calculating sustainability” are three different continents with little connection. The “calculated-state” was so far only reached after most critical design decisions have been taken and there is no real way back to first base.

To our big surprise a new breed of tools has the potential to bridging these three states. By tapping into vast databases and predicting design detail long before the process allows to input such definitions comprehensive evaluations are becoming possible.

So far we have only executed brief tests of CAALA and CoveTool and are impressed how much detailed information is being generated before the design process really has started. Metabuild - so far only available as a consultancy service - is in addition even calculating hundreds of variations to enable comparison and strategic decision-making.

Our Tests

On our current ToDo list: We have spot tested some of the above tools but so far not devised a test-project in which we draw early decisions for the design process from the application of the above tools.

Testing in progress ….

by: P. Eichstädt. |. written: April 2024. | last revised: 25.08.2023